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North Shore AgPro Field Evauations: Proud Day !
AgPro Field Evaluation Days are a special time. AgPro students have to stand in front of their plot, detailing their experiences with agronomic and marketing successes and challenges. They are evaluated by GFH staff, local farmers and past GFH graduates. In addition to this, on Oahu, another cohort of GFH students gets to visit and learn from the current AgPro group. This time, windward AgPro, currently in week 2 of their program got to sneak a peak on what is ahead of them and learn from their peers.
Tractors: Big and Small
Windward AgPro Cohort 8 learned the ins/outs of Big Tractor basics and also got an experiential reminder on how to use the walk-behind BCS as they flail-mowed some extremely bushy lablab cover crop. It was gear 1 all da way – which led to beautifully chopped up cover crop as well as some extra muscles built!
The Evapotranspirators : Salad Bowl Tour
GoFarm Hawaii staff/coaches attended a recent conference all together to learn about/from and share on the theme of Incubator Farms across the nation. Workshops, discussion sessions, and resource development focused on: Curriculum Design, Whole Farm Planning, Evaluation, Market Channel Development, Financial Literacy & Business Planning, Cooperative Farming Models, Supporting Farmer/Mentor Relationships, etc. It was a bonding and inspirational experience and we all hope to incorporate what we learned at all of our sites. It’s fun to feel a part of a larger movement. Plus – don’t you think this photo could be an album cover???
HDOA Buy Local, It Matters Commercial featuring GoFarm Hawai’i graduates!
GoFarm Hawai’i graduates Leonard Hall and Priscilla Carbajal become movie stars! Buy Local, It Matters!